This workshop will introduce you to a number of clear, practical and doable techniques to help you have a better experience of being in your body which will in turn help you become more present, playful, clear, confident and authentic in your storytelling. The work is based on the kind of movements we do everyday and when we are telling stories - no backflips or other challenging moves!
I will be using a combination of Franklin Method as well as other techniques I have picked up along the way, particularly from my time with the Labo experimental storytelling group at La Maison du Conte in Paris, led by Abbi Patrix. I have trained as a Franklin Method educator and adapt the exercises and apply them to storytelling. You can find out more about the Franklin Method here.
Once you start to feel freer and more alive in your body you have more freedom to make interesting decisions about how you tell. We will be getting down to the nitty-gritty of storytelling including looking at information/descriptive/action/dialogue and comment; using gaze; audience contact as well as other important storytelling tools in tandem with the body work.
Like the rest of my workshops this one has a very practical focus. I will lead certain aspects of the work and, because this workshop is for those who are already telling, there will be lots of opportunity to try things out with the group. There will be a mixture of whole group, pair, small group and solo exercises.
Forget the sweat and effort of the gym. This approach is focused, clearand safe. It gives you the tools to have a better experience of being in our bodies by finding out a little about anatomy and moving in ways that help us embody the movement so we move better and with more pleasure. Finding your body’s own ways of moving and being summons authenticity, joy and pleasure for you and for your audience. And it makes you feel good!
Find out more about Tim Ralphs here.